Maybe the Muslims will step up to the plate next and put up a diorama of Lepanto, or Muhammad standing before Christ at the Last Judgment? Tis the season!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Maybe Multiculturalism Isn't so Bad?
Maybe the Muslims will step up to the plate next and put up a diorama of Lepanto, or Muhammad standing before Christ at the Last Judgment? Tis the season!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Monday, December 1, 2014
Breaking the Silence
Friday, November 21, 2014
The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin - L. Jagi Lamplighter
It's been a while since I posted, and even longer since I posted a book review, so I wanted to treat you all to the most recent notch on my Kindle: L. Jagi Lamplighter's The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin. While not quite a "Young Adult" any more, I found Ms. Lamplighter's writing more than engrossing enough for any age. Drawn in by the preview, I ponied up my $2.99 and dove right in! I was not at all disappointed in that decision - Unexpected Enlightenment was well worth it!
In going to write my review, I found that Ms. Lamplighter's husband, John C. Wright (also an author), had posted a link to another review of this book by Pierce T. Oka at Dogma & Dragons. Reading it, I found I agreed with many of Mr. Oka's points, and thus recommend you read his take along with my own to get a fuller picture. That said, let's dive right in!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Idolatry: Hidden but not Harmless
The primary pitfall of idolatry is how easily it slips our notice. Of all of our sins, it is the one we are most likely to justify: to consider to be simply a priority or a preference and not the paramount spiritual danger which it is. We make excuses for the worldly things that eclipse God in our devotion, seeing nothing wrong at all with the way we push Him to the sidelines.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Now it is true that the US Supreme Court held in San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez that, "Public education is not a "right" granted to individuals by the Constitution." (Plyler v. Doe, 457 US 202 at 221) Yet, as Brown v. Board of Education states, "Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms." (347 US 483 at 493) As such, even without a positive right to an education, we can still see that educational access is an issue that the Supreme Court doesn't hold lightly.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The Left Eats its Own
Thursday, October 30, 2014
The War on Truth
As President Obama said just recently,
"We have to keep in mind that if we're discouraging our health care workers, who are prepared to make these sacrifices, from traveling to these places in need, then we're not doing our job in terms of looking after our own public health and safety,"
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
"Show me what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like." #FergusonOctober
— ABS (@ABSWashU) October 22, 2014
A bunch of people milling about in other peoples' business? An attempt to overrule the moral law by sheer numbers? An ineffectual and empty gesture that will either be ignored or subverted by the entrenched elites? Yup, that's democracy all right...Monday, October 20, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
"70+ Celebrities Who Are Christians"
Friday, October 17, 2014
Biological Warfare
"Whereas the use in war of asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids materials or devices, has been justly condemned by the general opinion of the civilized world; andThere are currently 138 states that have signed this protocol, including Mexico and Guatemala.
Whereas the prohibition of such use has been declared in Treaties to which the majority of Powers of the world are Parties; and
To the end that this prohibition shall be universally accepted as a part of International Law, binding alike the conscience and the practice of nations;[...]
That the High Contracting Parties, so far as they are not already Parties to Treaties prohibiting such use, accept this prohibition, agree to extend this prohibition to the use of bacteriological methods of warfare and agree to be bound as between themselves according to the terms of this declaration."
Sunday, October 12, 2014
"Western Values" and Islam
Rabia Chaudry recently wrote an interesting piece on the recent Bill Maher/Ben Affleck Islam dustup. The interesting part comes from the fact that nearly everything she says actively contradicts her point, which is that Islam is supposedly in line with Western liberal values.
While your host may also be said to be not in line with Western liberal values, and takes no small bit of pride in that fact, he also looks poorly upon the barrage of mistruths spread by the politically correct media, as well as the growing insistence in America that anything which a minority says must be taken as unassailable gospel. As such, I am going to forget all mercy and dissect this article point by point.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Memories of Lepanto
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photo credit: Lawrence OP All photos via photopin cc |
Monday, October 6, 2014
What Honor?
The Obola Runs Deep
Yet all of that has been said and ignored. To this date, the Obama administration STILL REFUSES to institute a travel ban on West Africa! This is utterly unconscionable! America's government has cast off all illusion about caring about the lives of its subjects.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
What is the Good News Today?
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
I Don't Think There's Cause for Worry
The antisemitism resolution came only a few short weeks after Secretary of State John Kerry (fairly enough) "said the recent rise in anti-Semitism is of great concern to the U.S. government."If only we could say the same thing for the massive invasion (41.3 million immigrants) of our southern border! One that has historically been promoted by a certain group which, we are told, is facing a worrying decline in power. Of course, that makes you wonder, even if Mr. Kampeas is right, who cares about the relative level of your influence when you're getting what you want?
Monday, September 29, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
What I'd Do If I Were You
Johannesburg Never Sleeps (But it Spends a lot of Time in Bed)
"Former Limpopo ANC Youth League secretary Jacob Lebogo pleaded on Tuesday with the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court to release him on bail immediately so he can take care of his sex shop. [...] Lebogo told the court that while his Pleasure Parlour adult shop had seven employees, it depended on him for survival."How will the South African economy survive this setback to it's vital sex shop industry? Will the world economy collapse? Stay tuned!
Saturday, September 13, 2014
"Cougar Life" Commercial : On MILFs and Pop Culture
The whole commercial is here:
As the ad begins a gleeful older, but admittedly still not ugly, blonde walks up to a younger woman at a bar and shoves food in her face. "You need a sandwich."
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
PUA on LinkedIn: For Fun and Profit
Step 1: Go to a networking event (they're everywhere....)
Step 2: Avoid talking to any entrepreneur wannabe's. (No you don't want a demo of anyone's iphone app but they're going to show you anyway...)
Step 3: Find the hottest girl there (yeah there will be other guys around her but that's okay... because you're all just networking right?). Be brief, be excellent, be gone (with one of her business cards)
Step 4: Add her and let the Linked-In game begin...
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Feminism and the Whore of Babylon (Part 2)
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photo credit: dynamosquito All photos via photopin cc |
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Ockham's Razor: The Best a Man Can Get
This novel idea was equally disregarded with regards to female reporters following the sexual assault of Lara Logan. The concept of sending a Western woman, with minimal protection, into an angry mob, in a faraway land, where the role of women in society is seen in a very different way, is apparently not just good, but absolutely sacrosanct. Funny, to me, that sounds like a massive dereliction of duty on the part of her bosses at CBS.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Black Replacement
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photo credit: Alex E. Proimos via photopin cc |
Friday, August 29, 2014
Feminism and the Whore of Babylon (Part 1)
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photo credit: richyvk. All photos via photopin cc, |
(From the comments at Alpha Game Plan, a diversion from the ostensible topic of Vox's post, but one still well worth thought.)
Trust said... "In jest, I used to say "i think feminism is the false religion in Revelation, where we are warned to 'stay away from that Woman.'"Now I seriously wonder if it may be, with its denominations including even supposedly patriarchal Christian churches. Nothing has corrupted our society more than feminism, and there is no place where more blood has been spilt more so than in a feminists womb, and no class of despot with more blood on their hands than a feminists hands soaked in the blood of their own children."Although my personal suspicions lie elsewhere, he raises a good point. While feminism is largely seen in American culture as innocuous, and promoted heavily by the media, educational, and business elites, feminism is an ideology that has shed the blood of hundreds of millions (1) throughout the world, and brought further harm and suffering to billions. In America alone, the death toll due to abortion equates to 57 million since Roe v Wade, almost 6/8 of the total deaths caused by World War II. Add in the number of suicides caused by rampant divorce, and we have ourselves a truly virulent ideology and a horrifying death toll.
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photo credit: x-ray delta one |
Monday, August 25, 2014
From Dubrovnik: a guest writer on wealth, women and wine...
Borders are interesting.
They say the world’s most unequal border is between San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico. I should know, I live in the former and have visited the latter. Today it’s a harsh militarized border, but back in the 1970’s it wasn't unheard of to see people playing volleyball using the fence as a net. (Or at least I saw that photo once somewhere. To be fair, it was probably never very common…)
Another fun border is Little Diomede Island to Big Diomede Island, where less than 2 miles separate the United States from Russia. It’s even possible to load a jet-ski with some extra fuel and cut across the strong, freezing Bering Strait currents until you reach Russian soil. On arrival, you’ll promptly be arrested, because there’s a Russian military base right there. Your jet-ski will be impounded and taken to the chop shop. The rims will be taken off, the stereo jacked (Taylor Swift CD and all), and you’ll have to sit in a holding cell for 48 hours before being sent back to Alaska to sit and think about what you did. When you return you’ll have an awesome story. And no jet-ski.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Cannibalism and Catholicism?
Thursday, August 21, 2014
"We live in a world that is run by white supremacy"
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Car Alarms
Let's be honest, if someone was actually stealing the car, you'd consider them to have earned it for driving that stupid noisemaker somewhere else.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Home of the Far From Brave
Talk to a Boomer about how it was like going to bars back in their day. Ask them about their experiences; it's quite educational. Likely what they'll describe to you will sound to Millennial ears like a cross between the movie Roadhouse and the Vietnam War. Going out to the bar back in those days was downright dangerous, a place where you had to keep your friends close and your wits closer.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The Universal Three
three | *trei- | Hitt. teriyaš (gen. pl.), Lyc. trei, Ved. tráyas, Av. θrāiiō, Pers. çi/se, Osset. ærtæ,ærtæ, Kashmiri tre, Kamviri tre, Gk. τρεῖς,treĩs, Lat. trēs, Osc. trís, Umbr. trif, ON þrír, Goth. þreis, Eng.þrēo/three, Gm. drī/drei, Gaul. treis, Ir. treí/trí, Welsh tri, Arm. erek῾/yerek῾/yerek῾, Toch. tre/trai, OPruss. tri, Latv. trīs, Lith. trỹs, OCS trije, Pol. trzy, Russ. tri, Alb. tre/tre |
Sunday, August 3, 2014
First Thoughts
What would it truly be like, to exist alone, before all thought, before all of the language and categories that make up or thought, that we take for granted? Today, I'm going to try and plum the depths of pre-time and put forward a possible answer. Hopefully this will inspire wiser, more intelligent minds to do the same.
Difference plus the void generates creation. By thinking, God fills the void, He imposes change outward. Now He can say "what?" plus creation, and begin to examine all of the possibilities. He is no longer bound by what is, but only by what could possibly be. So from nothingness, we have come to limitless creation.(At least I think, please poke holes in this theory in the comments below. ;-) )
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Welcome Dimitri Dragonofski!
Pravda Zvíťazí is proud to welcome a new contributor to this blog, whose first post should be posted relatively soon.
Dimitri Dragonofski is a close personal friend, posesses valuable insights about world travel, game, and society in the 21st century, and has pulled off some of the craziest feats I have ever heard of. Simply relating some of his stories is in and of itself a DHV. If we're lucky, he might just share a few of these here on this blog(heavily redacted, of course, for the safety of all involved). Even redacted, they well certainly be worth the cost of admission.
I hope that you will give him a warm and respectful welcome, and that you will derive a good deal of value from his postings! I know I will.
Ignore the Facts
“This is exactly what they did to the Irish in the 19th century, and to the Chinese in the 19th century, and then to the Jews and the Italians in the 20th century,” he said. “Not only do they bring crime, they bring disease. Be afraid! Hide your daughters!”
In this regard, however, science just joins history, which for most of the West began when the great god Democracy and his brother Socialism defeated Hitler in the Chaoskampf of 1945 and created consumerism and materialism from his entrails. Thus it must also be said that Italian and Jewish mafia activity in the early 20th century is well documented (and even celebrated.) Basically, Geraldo is 0/2.
Comparative Advantage and the Friend Zone
Recently I've been on a bit of a manosphere binge.In addition to my daily Alpha Game Plan, and occasional Cail Corishev, both of which I've mainly come by through Vox Populi, I've also been going through my backlog of unread posts at Return of Kings. Additionally, after far too long, I've finally started reading Dalrock.
It didn't take me too long to notice the post on beta orbiters that is today's jumping off point. Having done a few too many turns around some womens' magnetospheres myself (far far far too many) I make it a point to read every beta orbiter related posting I can. It certainly hurts,bringing back awful memories, but forcing myself to reflect on it is the best way to cauterize these behaviors; hopefully, one day, escaping them into a new wonderful world of game.
In this particular article, I saw that discussion quickly jumped to the closely related friend zone.This made me wonder,why is the idea of the friend zone so abhorrent to us men? What's wrong with having another friend, who just happens to be female?
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Final Triumph
The thing is, no one really rules in hell: not Satan, and definitely not you. When you have undone all of Yahweh's creation, there is nothing left but the void. There you are powerless. There you are empty. There you are nothing.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Embassies and Insults
"I’m working hard to ensure that by the end of my tenure, we will have lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors in our ranks as well."While Mr. Reed jumped off from there to discuss the general degradation of America, a topic on which we are in full agreement, lets stay on the topic of embassies for a minute.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Year of the Warrior - Lars Walker
Thus, coming into the book, Mr. Walker had a higher than normal barrier to my attention. Thankfully, I was intrigued enough by Vox Day's review of Hailstone Mountain (The third book in the series) to check out The Year of the Warrior on Amazon. Read the first few pages free? Don't mind if I do! And thus sucked in, I was blown away.
Does anyone remember back in the early 2000's, when claims of impending Caliphate were big in the anti-Islam internet? And how the left pooh-poohed those claims, saying that it would never happen? Well, now we're treated to a Caliphate declared by the left-wing media and the RIGHT attempting to explain it away! What interesting times we live in.
Monday, June 30, 2014
When we think of Christ's temptation, usually our minds are drawn immediately to His temptation in the wilderness. It certainly couldn't have come at a worse time for our Lord. Alone, in the midst of desolation. Hungry. Weak. But the strength of the body was only a fraction of the faculties that Jesus had at His command.