Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Sufficient Reason to Vote for Trump... that Pitbull won't. I've never understood Pitbull's market. All of his songs are about how he is awesome and travels the world picking up women. Are there really enough international playboys out there to make up a demand for his music? I just don't see it.

Nonetheless, I fail to see the moral reason why one should respect a culture that doesn't respect ones' own. Or why someone should sit passively in the face of reconquista. Respect is earned, not given.

For the moment, Donald Trump has refused to back down where everyone else has. He has shown the respect for the American lives marred by immigrant rape and murder that other politicans and Mr. Worldwide have not.


  1. >Are there really enough international playboys out there to make up a demand for his music?
    There's a bunch of wanna-be international playboys, that's probably sufficient.

    Being Cuban and not Mexican, I tend to doubt Pitbull really cares one way or another. Mostly I saw this video as a loaded question followed by a response he felt he had to give.
    "Would you support a crass gold-plated guy who hates your fans? Keep in mind your fans are watching this right now. So would you be a traitor to your fans?"
    ", I guess.."


    1. "There's a bunch of wanna-be international playboys, that's probably sufficient."

      Wouldn't facing your inadequacies and failed dreams with every repeat of the Pitbull track be something you'd want to avoid though? I mean, it's not like Pitbull's music is a how-to or anything, it's just Pitbull celebrating being Pitbull.

      Good point about Pitbull's fans. Still though, Bruce Jenner gets away with being a Republican while still being the darling of the Left, so I think Pitbull could say something non-committal and dodge the question if he wanted.


    Makes Pitbull looks pretty good.

  3. The Polish border, 1939:
    "Zees country ees better mit Deutsche in eet!"
